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I am here to help guide you through your spiritual awakening & healing journey by holding a safe, neutral and grounded space for you to reclaim your freedom, power and creativity by reconnecting with your true nature and most authentic self. I support you to work through your traumas and heal from the past, to integrate all parts of your being and learn to love, accept and nurture your inner child. 


All sessions will be held in person or online video call with WhatsApp.


I work with a holistic approach and use an Integrative Yoga Model working on the Five Bodies of the Multidimensional Self (physical, mental/emotional, energetic, intuitive/wisdom & spiritual) and incorporate a variety of both ancient & modern wisdom, resources, tools and techniques from across the globe, including Science & Healthcare, Yoga, Ayurveda, Astrology, Buddhism, Trauma Informed Compassionate Inquiry & the Healing Arts.

Holistic Therapy - Mental & emotional support, meditation & training the mind, spiritual or energetic guidance, health & wellness or integration support, depending on your intentions, needs, challenges & requirements. I support you to move through the ever-unfolding, evolving & changing nature of our reality that creates suffering and empower you with tools and practices to implement into your daily life to purify your mind and body, heal, transform and liberate yourself. 

We will get deep into the patterns, behaviours & addictions that are holding you back and keeping you feeling stuck in the past & in beliefs and habits that no longer serve you. 

Get ready to do the real work.

It's uncomfortable, painful and challenging.

But... it's SO SO SO worth it!


I look forward to supporting you on your healing & awakening journey, returning back home to your natural state of wholeness, connection, purity, liberation, peace, joy, love, compassion, wisdom & equanimity.

Online Meditation

Holistic Therapy Session

This is a 90 min 1:1 In-Person Session or Live Video Call

including the following:

*Discussion of intentions, goals & health history

*Setting a positive motivation

*Heart-opening, grounding meditation + breath-work

*Compassionate presence / holding space

*Guidance, counselling & somatic experiencing

(as required)

*Tools, practices & resources for take-away & daily life specific to your needs (Plan of Action)

*Learn to become your own Healer & Therapist

(for yourself)

*Closing meditation & dedication

You can book a block of sessions or book additional sessions as required.


Weekly Support Circle
(Group Therapy)

This is a 1 hour

In-Person Group Session or Live Group Video Call

including the following:

*Weekly Themes

*Discussion of intentions & goals

*Guided Meditation

*Group Discussion

*Compassionate Inquiry

*Learn to be with your emotions with love, compassion and curiosity 

*Work through negative emotions, wounds and traumas with compassionate presence

*Tools & practices for take-away & daily life


A Supportive Hug
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