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Meditations & Mind Coaching

Understand the true nature of your mind.


Learn to observe, purify & train it.

Transcend the ignorance which causes your cravings/clinging/attachments & aversions/running/avoidance. 

Reduce your fear and negative emotions that lead to anxiety, depression, panic attacks, worry & obsessive behaviour.

Become more mindful throughout your day, learn to focus and concentrate better by reducing your daily distractions, helping to also support any kind of attention disorders. 

Deepen your awareness, heal from the inside out and cultivate positive qualities to benefit others, including wisdom, patience, humility, loving kindness, empathic joy & compassion.

Make lasting changes that pull out the roots of your karmic imprints for good, shifting your patterns from the seed in which they were planted.


Working at the level of the subconscious to create equanimity and reduce daily & long-term suffering.

Live with more peace, harmony, joy, freedom & flow through the acceptance of the ever-changing nature of our reality - the law of impermanence and the remembrance of the wisdom of emptiness.

A integration of ancient wisdom & practices will be used from Buddhism, Ayurveda & Yoga. 



Private Meditation & Mind Coaching Session

This is a 90 min 1:1 In-Person Session or Live Video Call

including the following:

*Discussion of intentions, goals & health history

*Setting a positive motivation

*Heart-opening, grounding meditation + breath-work

*Compassionate presence / holding space

*Learn techniques to meditate & work with your mind for yourself in your daily life, specific to your desires, needs & lifestyle

*Guidance & counselling to purify and train the mind

*Purify negative emotions 

*Cultivate positive qualities such as compassion, loving kindness, patience, generosity, humility & wisdom

*Tools, practices & resources for take-away & daily life specific to your needs

*Closing meditation & dedication

You can book a block of sessions or book additional sessions as required. 

If you are struggling financially and need a scholarship or sliding scale, please get in touch with me directly to discuss.


Weekly Group
Meditation & Mind Coaching Circle

This is a 1 hour

In-Person Group Session or Live Group Video Call

including the following:

*Weekly Themes

*Discussion of intentions & goals

*Setting a positive motivation

*Guided Meditation

*Group Discussion

*Learn techniques to meditate for yourself in your daily life, specific to your needs & lifestyle

*Purify negative emotions 

*Cultivate positive qualities such as compassion, loving kindness, patience, generosity, humility & wisdom

*Tools & practices for take-away & daily life



Meditation Class

Sound Meditation Journey

Slow DJ Set with Guided Meditation

An Intimate Sunset/Candlelit Setting

2 hours

*Opening Prayer & Intention

*Seated, eyes closed, inward journey

*Learning to connect with your inner environment

*Learn to feel the music in a deeper way

*Connect with music as an awareness tool

*Weekly Themes

*Closing Prayer & dedication

**Bring comfortable clothing, a yoga mat, meditation cushion, blankets, scarves, etc.


Dancing Meditation

Intentional DJ Set

A moving meditation & prayer

*Opening Prayer, Intention & Guided Meditation

*Eyes closed, inward journey

*Learning to connect with your inner environment

*Learn to feel the music in a deeper way

*Dance as your authentic self

*Connect deeper with your body and express yourself through the music 

*Weekly Themes

*Closing Prayer, guided meditation and dedication


Beach Party
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