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You must show the universe you are a vibrational match.

You can dream, visualize and plan all you want, but if you aren't taking action, you won't be a vibrational match to be able to receive the unexpected opportunities, dreams, goals and desires you so long for.

You want to be a performer? Start in your living room.

You want to be a singer? Start singing in your shower.

You want to be a DJ? Start making mixes in your kitchen 😉.

Start taking action with no expectations or attachment to the outcome.

The more you attach the more you will repel.

The more you expect, the more you will feel disappointed.

Just do it because it lights you up and makes your heart skip a little faster.

It sounds so simple I know.

It doesn't matter how small the action, just take a step one at a time.

You can 'know' a lot... But you also have to 'show' in order for things to move forward.

We are creators.

We are creating every moment of every day.

We may as well learn how to do it consciously so we can influence it & remember how powerful we truly are.

Your soul has gifts and a destiny it came here to fulfill.

But you have to keep shedding your many layers of skin in order to truly remember how the universe and energy really work and how fucking powerful and free you can be.

You already are.

You're just trapped in the illusion.

There are many things in my life so far that I started doing out of pure passion, curiosity and self- exploration. I had no freaking clue they would lead to opportunities and take me fully on my soul path. And that's the fun and exciting part.

You feel alive, you have no clue what's ahead and you are flowing like magic with the universe.

It's alllllllll alignment baby!

That's how energy works.

You already are a vibrational match at your core to your deepest desires, visions, dreams and destiny.

Everything is waiting for you.

You just have to clear out the excess CRAP that's weighing you down and keeping you stuck, asleep and powerless.

The sooner you take action the sooner you can receive ✨🙏🏻

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