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Are you ready to step into the UNKNOWN?

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

In our egos attempt to control outcomes, it ends up with the very thing it is trying to avoid.


Our ego lives from the past and projects into the future.

It lives in a state of fear, trying to protect you from past experiences where you may have felt abandoned, rejected, failure, unsafe, pain or suffering.

So it replays stories of the past and creates new potential outcomes for the future that keep you stuck in limitation and fear to expand, change & evolve as you came here to do.

In trying to protect you from suffering, it actually keeps you imprisoned in the very thing it is trying to protect you from.

Because your soul came here to live courageously & fearlessly, or at least feel the fear & do it anyway.

And our soul's live from the present moment, where all possibilities & potentials exist in the quantum field.

The soul knows that the only way to expand is to be courageous & take risks into the unknown.

To accept and trust the uncertainty.

It knows that failure & rejection are an illusion.

It's simply a re-direction to deeper learning and re-alignment. It's part of everyone's journey to their highest and most authentic potentials and the journey back to pure clear light and unity consciousness.

So, if you're stuck in a negative feedback loop, you have three options.

1. Stay put and accept it, try to find peace where you are & with your decision, but know that your soul will continue to call 😉.

2. Take the leap into the unknown, into change. Maybe you fail/get rejected/get hurt... All is a re-direction back to your highest alignment. It's part of the path. More inner work and lessons are there to teach you the attributes and skills required to bring you to your highest frequency so you can sustain your new reality and continue to expand.

It's uncomfortable at first (for the ego), but aren't you already uncomfortable or frustrated by feeling the call & remaining in fear? Feeling stuck, blocked and frustrated with yourself?

3. It works out 🙌🏻 because it is your highest alignment, you're ready & it's perfect divine timing.

It's your choice.

You are in control of your own freedom, power & creativity.

Discomfort is inevitable.

But suffering IS avoidable.

Once you start PLAYING in the game, you will find your FLOW.

That doesn't mean there won't be waves.

But, you learn to ride them better and better over time.

Just make sure to choose a good stable board :)

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