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ATTACHMENT keeps you in the cycle of suffering

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

Let go and allow the energy to flow.

Attachment equals fear.

Fear of not having enough, of not being enough.

Fear of pain & suffering.

Fear of failure.

Fear of loss.

But in your egos fear and attempted protection from pain, it's actually causing you the very things you are trying to keep away.

You still end up suffering in the end.

Through attachment, you do not have faith.

You do not remember your true nature and the nature of existence.

You do not remember your power, your freedom, your sovereignty and your creatorship.

Let go and surrender to the energy that wants to move through you.

The energy that wants to release.

Past traumas, relationship imprints, experiences, thoughts, beliefs and narratives.

Allow the energy to continue to flow.

Don't cling, anchor or draw the energy back in due to fear.

Non-attachment is playing in the game of life, but not clinging to it.

It's being able to dip in and dip out.

It's trusting the process.

It's faith and belief in a higher intelligence and divine design.

It's the art of trust & surrender to your higher self and spirit.

It's sitting in the backseat as the observer.

Or better yet... the observation itself.

It's the integration of all polarities.

We are here to evolve and expand our consciousness by experiencing ourselves in physical form.

From oneness to duality/separation and the journey back home to our truth.

So set yourself free...

By remembering how this game called life really works 😉✨🦋

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