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Updated: Jul 27, 2023

I hated my body for as long as I can remember.

It didn't matter how active I was, all I saw was cellulite, fat and imperfections.

My inner dialogue with myself was that of hatred & disgust.

It was this illusion and distortion that actually led me to become overweight when I was a teenager.

I was diagnosed with major depression and would binge eat, puke and take laxatives to try and have some sense of control.

I had so much guilt and shame.

So I rebelled and escaped.

I drowned everything out with partying and alcohol, food and later on drugs, dancing and clubs.

By my early twenties I was just over 200 pounds.

I lost about 90 pounds in an unhealthy way, by doing drugs and getting sick with gall stones from extreme dieting, while still binging on & off due to starvation.

Fast forward 15 years later of healing work & I still have struggles with fully accepting my body.

But I make a valid effort everyday.

To feed and nourish her with love, compassion, clean nutrition, honour & respect.

I look at the parts I have a hard time seeing everyday in the mirror and try to bring a little more love and acceptance. I dance with her, I communicate with her and I listen to her.

My relationship with my body is now 100% intuitive.

Our cells are miraculous living beings that have the power to purge, upgrade & evolve.

It is up to us to create a healthy, loving and optimal environment for them to do their amazing work to keep us out of survival mode and thriving, which includes feeling our emotions, good nutrition, a safe & comfortable environment and most of all, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & ACCEPTANCE.

We need a healthy inner narrative with ourselves.

Not beating up, but building up.

This body is divine.

It is a micro universe.

It holds all of your unique magic, wisdom & potential.

It is your temple. Your home. Your partner.

It will continue to hold your pain, trauma & patterns that don't serve you, unless you choose to let it all go.

Your body is sacred.

Your body deserves healthy boundaries.

Your body is a gift.

Your body tells your story.

A story that deserves to be loved, honoured & accepted for all that it is.

Divine grace.

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