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Cultivation before liberation

Updated: Sep 9, 2023

Why are we so quick to chase the spiritual highs and escape this realm, planet or current dream we are presently in, in order to reach some altered state of consciousness or new dimension?

Is it that bad here? LOL.

Some might say, Yes!

But how do you plan to stay there in your spiritual trip?

My belief is that when we become enlightened, we will always remember our true nature, which is interdependent. So how could I reach some state of freedom and not try to bring everyone else along too? Which means, I would choose to be here. On this planet. In this realm. Serving humanity.

More and more these days, people are seeking the quick path to enlightenment.

Taking drugs or supplements, doing plant medicine, going to festivals, retreats, etc. and just expecting to stay in that open state or new perception that was awakened.

Reality check - the moment you go back home to your old habits, patterns, influences and lifestyle, it's all gonna try and pull you back and trust me, that force is POWERFUL. Why? Because its been dominating the longest. This new opening doesn't stand a chance to remain open unless you make a daily effort to integrate it.

Now comes the real work, which you were avoiding in the first place LOL.

The purification.

And not only purification (clearing out the crap), but cultivation.

We must clean out the junk and re-train ourselves in cultivating positive qualities.

We clear out the delusions, illusions, distortion, ignorance, attachments and aversions and we cultivate loving kindness, compassion, moral ethics, wisdom, generosity, humility, patience, peace, joy and freedom from within.

This is the new, cool, hip approach to spirituality if you ask me LOL.

Not all the highs in the upper chakras, because eventually you have to come back down to earth and be here. You have to sit in the lower energy centres and clear out all the crap.

So you may as well start now.

Being a decent human being is amazing and so needed now more than ever before.

Thinking of others, not just yourself.

Thinking of your impact on the planet, on animals and all sentient beings.

A harm reduction approach.

When I am whole and full, how can I serve and benefit others?

We must do the difficult work to change ourselves first.

To change from within. Not just in the material world. And not just seeking the spiritual highs ONLY. Those are great too, for support to show us what might be possible, but depending on them will limit you in the end and block you from fully evolving. Use them as a teacher and then continue down the path integrating the teachings and making the necessary changes in your patterns to serve humanity, including yourself.

Disciplining the mind is the ultimate path to freedom.

Working to benefit others, including animals and the earth, will ultimately bring the greatest meaning and purpose to ones life and the greatest impact for humanity.

Work towards your own liberation from suffering and then help others do the same.

This is the way of the bodhisattva.

As long as space remains,

As long as sentient beings remain.

Until then may I too remain,

To dispel the suffering of the world.

Imagine if everyone lived with this intention?

What a blessing it would be.

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