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Updated: Jul 28, 2023

Our inner child shows up in two ways:

Expressive: When we are being playful, having fun, feeling joy or being creative.

Resistant: When we are trying to step outside out comfort zone, grow, evolve, level-up, change patterns, habits, beliefs and have breakthroughs.

If she (fill in with your preferred pronoun) is healed or in her natural state of being, she is joyful, playful, curious, adventurous, fun, creative, loving, compassionate and flowing.

If she is wounded, she swings between the powerless pendulum of inferiority and superiority.

She feels guilt, shame, self-doubt.

She criticizes, compares, judges.

She lives in fear and keeps herself in a protective bubble.

Or she is needy, over-attached and seeking validation from the external.

She wants to remain comfortable and safe.

She cannot handle uncertainty. She likes what's familiar.

She can't risk being embarassed, ridiculed, failing or not being perfect.

As we begin to awaken to remember our truth, she tries to block us. She kicks and screams until she gets her way. Until we break. She knows this works because it's worked every time before.

This can result in having the late night chocolate, not applying for the job we want, not starting or finishing the project we are working on, not following our passions, not listening to our intuition.

She remains in a loop of despair, controlling our life, for she does not remember the truth of who she/we really are.

That we are not separate.

That we are energetic, spiritual beings... pure consciousness.

Spirit embodied, living a temporary human experience on the journey of self-realization.

She is stuck believing her own lies, that she is not worthy, lovable, capable or whole.

She needs guidance, kindness and compassion. To be held. Loved. Acknowledged. Supported. Questioned.

She can't be AVOIDED any longer.

She will just get louder and louder.

She needs to know she can trust you. To be reminded that she IS whole, worthy, loved and capable.

That she is SOUL. She is SPIRIT. She is DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS. She is the CREATOR of her reality.

She is safe to follow her FLOW.

She will fall. She will learn and she will get back up and keep flowing.

It is time to heal and integrate her and RE-CONNECT to our divinity.

It is time for our SPIRIT to take the wheel.

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