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Do you know the power of INTENTION?

What's the 'why' behind your actions each day?

Let us picture two scenarios.

IMAGINE waking up every single day exactly the same, moving with no conscious awareness, one day after the next, running on auto-pilot, survival mode, doing what you believe needs to get done, repeating the same patterns and routines, doing the same exercise routine or none at all, eating the same foods, working the same job, seeing the same people, year after year after year.

And don't get me started on life after life after life.

This is samsara.

The cycle of suffering most of us are trapped in.

Maybe one is content with this programmed life and existence, but my guess is, you might feel like there's something missing or you might long for change & excitement, but can't seem to make it happen.

Now IMAGINE this...

You wake up each day and immediately tune in to the present moment. You check in with your body. You take a few deep breaths, connect with your intuition, maybe connect with nature to help you ground. You might sit down with a tea or coffee, journal & pen or just sit quietly in a comfortable position & decide right then and there what type of day you wish to have. How you want to feel & what you want to accomplish, do, or change & not with force, pressure or hustle, but with ease, flow and acceptance.

You set a positive motivation and a strong determination to follow through with that motivation.

WHAT IF every morning you woke up, connected with your higher self & set an intention or created & recited a vow for how you want to move through the day?

With no attachment to the results, but an open, curious mind and open heart, trust, surrender and belief in yourself & your spiritual team cheering you on.

WHAT IF you took a few moments every morning to tune in to your heart, mind and body, connect with your authentic divine self, your purpose, your power, your creativity, your freedom & you CHOOSE to have a certain kind of day?

You CHOOSE to over-ride the automatic programming and old patterns. You begin to create new patterns and neural pathways that serve you from a more aligned state.

IMAGINE the power behind that conscious creative manifestation.

IMAGINE not knowing every move or trying to control the outcomes.

IMAGINE what it would feel like to be truly living & flowing with the universe.

IMAGINE what you might accomplish or where you might be if you woke up and spent a few moments with yourself to setup the energy & intention for each day?

IMAGINE... how much would OPEN UP for you.

IMAGINE... the possibilities ✨

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