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Feeling OFF the path?

Are you feeling scattered, lost or off the path?

Not sure where to direct your energy?

Worrying or complaining isn't going to help unfortunately. It will only cause more distress and daily suffering.

What if I told you it's impossible to be off the path?

You're exactly where you're meant to be.


But are you willing to accept it or do you fight and resist it?

There are lessons along the path that are meant to challenge and expand us.

The more we can remember this, we can embrace each moment, find the teaching and see everything as an opportunity for growth.

When you're feeling overwhelmed, confused or lost, just sit, breathe, ground, centre & find acceptance.

You are where you are.

This is a wonderful moment to help you reflect on your values, higher intentions and what you truly wish to commit your energy to moving forward.

What can you build, grow and develop for the long-haul both internally & externally that has a positive impact on humanity, including yourself?

This aim will bring the deepest purpose, meaning and fulfillment to your life.

Each day, wake up and do the following:

1. Think of 5 things you're grateful for, including this precious human life.

2. Connect with your body, breath & heart. Check-in with yourself. Take a few deep breaths to centre, ground and open yourself up for what the day has to bring.

3. Set a positive motivation or higher intention for the day. How you wish to feel or view the world, what you wish to keep working on. I find it's better to keep things open versus being too specific or rigid. Let life surprise you. It's more exciting!

And remember to stay OPEN.

Open heart, open mind.


Be kind, loving and compassionate with yourself & others.

Slow & steady.

Moment by moment.

Day by day.

Don't try to skip too far ahead.

Let things unfold organically, as they are meant to be.

Life is working for you, not against you.

The question is, can you accept it and find the blessings every moment has to offer?

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