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You can never fully ground into your body until you have the courage to feel everything that wishes to be acknowledged, processed & released.

Most of our lives we live in a protective bubble.

Living outside of our bodies, afraid to feel what it's really like to be IN body.

Numbing our minds so we don't have to listen to the inner narrative any longer.

Doing whatever it takes to feel some sense of CONTROL.

Our brain blocking out memories of the past as a protective mechanism so we don't have to remember the wounds.

This keeps us running on autopilot, not fully grounding into the present moment and walking around with many triggers leading to our suppressed emotions, deep insecurities & unresolved traumas.

For myself, I did ALL the things to run away from feeling, facing, processing and healing my wounds. Because I didn't even know they existed. I just thought there was something wrong with me because I was always lost and depressed. Seeking temporary gratification from one external thing or experience to the next.

From sport after sport to binge eating, vomiting and laxatives to drugs, alcohol, partying and sex to travelling or constantly switching jobs & moving cities to taking certification after certification.

I didn't understand the truth of suffering.

It wasn't until I split up from my husband/partner of 13 years that I really started allowing myself to feel everything. At first, I did numb with sex, food, drugs and partying, until many relationships in my life started mirroring me my patterns and allowed me to see that I didn't have self-love or self-worth, I was people pleasing, had no boundaries and was giving energy & my power away freely.

I finally put my foot down & said enough is enough.

For the last four years I have been living mostly in solitude by choice and actively working to feel and face everything. Learning to get comfortable in my body and feel her. Grieve and clear the past. Let the traumas move through me. It's not easy. It is very painful. That is why we avoid it most of our lives. Our ego protects us from feeling it. But, the sooner we feel it, accept it and acknowledge it, it will no longer have a hold on us and we can finally feel safe to root in & fully embody here in the physical realm.

This is where our intuition, freedom & power resides.

In this moment ✨

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