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Have your spiritual tools become a dependency?

Updated: Sep 9, 2023

Are you living your life each day based on what the astrology tells you? Scared of doing anything during mercury retrograde? Living your life by the predictions of a Tarot reading and wondering when shit is gonna actually happen? Smoking weed everyday to relax or feel mentally stimulated? Doing mushroom ceremonies to feel connected to nature & to alter your consciousness? MDMA or cacao to open your heart? Ketamine to disconnect from the body and remember you are consciousness? Acid to open your mind? Plant medicines to kill the ego? Sound baths to calm your nervous system? Breath-work ceremonies to help you release your emotions or to get high? Posting on instagram for validation? Music to make you feel good or boost your energy and confidence? Going to ecstatic dance, contact improv or a tantric workshop to pick up? LOL couldn't resist.

I've done it all LOL.

The tools are wonderful until they become a crutch. If they are limiting you or holding you back, then it might be time to question whether they are serving you or blocking you from your evolution.

What if you could:








*Feel good

*Be confident



All on your own.

No quick fixes.

No seeking anything outside yourself.

Everything is within you.

It's all mind.

Do you want temporary or do you want sustainable?

Do you want to be able to do things for yourself or do you want to always have to depend on others or an external substance?

Just because everyone else is doing it, social media says it's valid and everyone is talking about it, doesn't mean it's right for you.

You have the power to continue evolving, even when society is not.

You have to find the courage, strength and willpower to listen to your own inner voice and continue walking the path against the mainstream narratives.

Guess what?

It's not easy. You might lose friends. You might have to find a new community. You might have to change your whole lifestyle. You might feel disconnected from your family. You might feel all alone sometimes, but I promise you you're not. There are many others out there carving their own path and leading the way for others too.

This is the path less travelled, but the path to true inner peace & freedom from suffering. The path that will bring your the most meaning, fulfillment and benefit to others.

So how do you start?


1. Setting positive motivations & making strong determinations each day to change your patterns

2. Taking small action steps each day. Slow & steady, building sustainable change.

3. Sitting and allowing yourself to feel into things and to process stagnant energy. There will be discomfort, uncertainty, emotions... but you move through it. Everything is impermanent.

4. Listen to your own inner wisdom & guidance even when it goes against the external world projections.

5. Daily Reflections & contemplations to check in with your own energy and path. Check in with your mind and any attachments and aversions. Learn to sit with it and clear it with purification techniques.

6. Open your heart by working with the mind, being generous, thinking of others, cultivating positive inner qualities. Ultimately coming out of self-cherishing and learning to benefit others, including ourselves.

These are just a few things to get started.

If you need more support, get in touch :)

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