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How are you at sitting with uncertainty?

During the endless transitions we move through in life, sitting in the void or the moments of uncertainty are some of the most difficult and uncomfortable for the ego.

A self-grasping entity that wishes to keep you safe and protected from feeling pain, discomfort or suffering, yet in the end, it ends up being the cause for those very states of mind.

This is when we want to escape or distract ourselves. We turn to travel, entertainment, tv or music binging, social media, events or drugs, comfort in food, sex or connection, relaxation in alcohol, cannabis or anything else to zone us out.

If you've been working on transforming your escapist or distracting behaviours in the external world, then comes the mind's inner escape techniques such as fantasizing, dreaming, exaggerating and projecting situations that don't actually exist. Calling the past back or old thought patterns resurfacing to try and protect you from the potential outcomes of you not getting what you desire. Anything to avoid the discomfort or to avoid future pain.

Lustful energy can be a big one here, because it brings about a false sense of bliss. A rush of energy. It releases your hormones. And you can do all of this with the power of your own mind's imagination. Imagine what one can do with this power if used with the right intention and aimed in the right direction. Not at some fake reality, dream bubble or projection. It only ends in suffering, trust me. A tower moment when life hands you a much needed reality check. All for your highest good so you can clear the delusion and get back to the "real" world. Life as it actually is, not a fantasy.

We want to feel safe and secure. We want guarantee. We want all the answers. But what fun is that? Life is so much more exciting when it surprises you.

You are never shown the full path. It is an ever-unfolding journey with ebbs and flows, expansion and contraction, continually unlocking different aspects of your potential through challenging spiritual lessons.

We must learn to trust the flow. To sit in the uncertainty and be ok with it. To accept the discomfort.

We must cultivate a deep inner faith and patience to just be and to continue placing one foot in front of the other.

Try not to skip ahead. You will only cause yourself more suffering.

Allow the fruits to ripen in their own timing. There are many causes and conditions that must come together for everything to align. Trust the unfoldment and allow yourself to remain open & curious.

Don't grasp at the past or the future, just ride out each moment, one by one.

You will soon be on the other side. Your new chapter. The dream you once imagined in your mind and now it's actually unfolding right in front of you.

But are you grounded and present enough to see reality as it is unfolding before you?

To trust that every moment is aligning magically?

If you could take a step back and observe the truth, of reality as it truly is, you would see that you've already made it out of the cocoon.

So it comes down to this final question.

Do you have the courage to fly?

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