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How do you CLEAR & PROTECT your energy?

You know that your true nature is energy right?

A unique, one-of-a-kind expression of pure light consciousness?

Your physical body is actually inside your energy field as your aura expands beyond this piece of matter made up of nature; the five elements herself.

You have a very unique energy signature and blueprint.

You are made up of imprints from your past lives (karma), your ancestry, the collective energy and your unique blueprint for this life.

You came here with lessons to learn/karmic energy to clear, skills to develop, soul contracts to help you heal, grow and evolve and a purpose and mission to fulfill. That is, if you're reading this, your energy aligned to this frequency and you are here not by coincidence.

Our DNA is the physical manifestation of our energy signature, and guess what? We can upgrade it. Our energy field is made up of codes/potentials ready to be unlocked and activated by peeling back the layers of conditioning, programming and dis-ease in our field. Returning to our wholeness and pure light frequency.

Letting go of everything that's weighing you down in your emotional field (pain, trauma, resentment), your mental conditioning (lack of worthiness) and your ego's need for control through attachment and aversion due to fear and a false sense of separation based on deep rooted programming and the collective unconscious.

This is the bigger picture.

Once we remember who we are, what we are, why we came here and how energy and the law of nature really works, clearing, activating and protecting our energy field becomes a vital necessity in order to stay grounded and centered in our power, intuition and open heart connection.

Daily practices are a priority, especially as we navigate this collective shadow.

Energy clearing to remove external influences picked up from people, environments, social media, etc. becomes a daily requirement.

Some daily practices can be done with intention, such as nature bathing, salt water swimming, epsom salt baths, fire burning, visualizations/meditation, breathwork, dancing/yoga/movement, smudging, etc.

Protection involves having strong discernment and energetic boundaries, saying YES and NO with conviction, cord cutting, energy visualizations and regularly connecting with your angels, guides, teachers, etc.

Keep your connection, your direct channel to spirit open, clear and flowing daily.

Compassion with WISDOM is key!

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