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How do you know you're in ALIGNMENT?

Alignment with your:


💫Highest & Most Authentic Self

💫Dreams, Desires, Destiny

💫Soul's Purpose

So what are the *SIGNS*?

✨You're present & rooted in the moment.

✨You are listening to your gut, how your body 'feels' & following your intuition/your inner compass.

✨You notice all the signs & synchronicities from spirit because you are present in the moment.

✨You're leading with an open heart.

✨You live your life with the awareness that you are a unique, one-of-a-kind expression & channel for the divine.

✨You trust, surrender and have faith in yourself and the laws of nature.

✨You 'feel' peace, calm, content, loving & accepting of exactly who and where you are in this moment.

✨You have no attachment to the past, future, anything or anyone.

✨You have no expectations, only hope, trust, love, faith & optimism.

✨You work through any emotions or challenges that come up that want to be seen, loved, accepted and moved through you with little to no resistance and with an open heart, compassion, non-judgement and curiosity. You embrace it all & let it flow through.

✨Your energy is vibrating at the frequency of love, gratitude, compassion, kindness, joy, abundance, wholeness, worthiness, acceptance, courage, vulnerability, humility, freedom & unity.

✨You are balanced physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.

✨You are open to receiving your blessings.

✨You unconditionally love and accept yourself exactly where you are on your journey.

✨You have strong boundaries and self-awareness and know energetically what's a YES and what's a NO.

✨You have daily practices or BE-ingness that support your unique energy signature (clearing, activating, balancing).

✨You know & have reclaimed your power & sovereignty.

✨You are patient & trust in divine timing.

✨You know that everything happens energetically before it manifests in the physical and the universe is matching the external to your internal frequency.

✨You are magnetizing connections and opportunities to you like magic. An effortless ease & flow.

Sending you SO much love and magic and wishing you all the blessings you can open your beautiful divine hearts to receive 🧚‍♀️✨💜✨🦋

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