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How do you raise your FREQUENCY?

First of all, your natural, core frequency is already high as you are a unique expression of source. Your true nature is BUDDHA NATURE.

Your authentic vibration is pure & clear light, unconditional love & infinite creative potential.

So even though everyone talks about raising your frequency, what we are actually referring to is getting back to your pure nature.

This actually requires clearing your field and energy bodies then activating your creative potential with activities and practices that promote your natural energy flow & connection to the quantum field.

Our aura & energy bodies (physical, pranic, mental, emotional and spiritual) get weighed down by external influences, programs, conditioning, attachments, imprints from past lives & stuck, blocked & stagnant energy that needs to be cleared & released.

This is why with all tools and practices used to expand your consciousness & heal trauma (i.e. plant medicines, sweat lodges, psychcadelics, yogic kriyas, ayurvedic cleanses & food detox) all stimulate physical purging of toxins, dis-ease & energy through the mouth, nose, skin, eyes (tears), urethra or bowels.

The good news is, you don't need fancy cleanses, plant medicine or yoga retreats. You have everything you need to clear & activate yourself as part of your everyday lifestyle.

So, how do we regularly clear & activate our energy at home on our own?

*Cleansing in shower, salt bath, swimming in the sea or any body of water with intention

*Fire ceremony

*Releasing emotions as they come up

*Food detox


*Visualizations & Meditation


*Movement (dance, yoga, etc.)



*Art & creative expression

*Writing, journaling, reflection, contemplation

*Follow your intuition

*Listen to your body

*Speak your truth

*Sync with the natural rhythms in nature & tune in to the planetary alignments & shifts

Remember, our energy is always expanding & contracting.

Take note of the energy you are regularly absorbing or receiving by the people you spend time with, the environments you frequent, the social media you take in, accounts you follow & who follows & has access to you.

We are all energy signals with a transmitter & a receiver.

So what frequency are you broadcasting?

And what are you allowing yourself to receive?

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