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Just SIT with it...

Let the tears flow. Feel it. Sit with it. Then let it all go.

Stop blocking.

Stop resisting.

It's time to free yourself.

Just feel it already.

FEEL all the shhhh$!t you don't want to feel.

Everything you've been avoiding.

Let it outttttttttttt.

Face it.

You will feel liberated.

It's monsoon time in India and in the mountains we've had extended rains since March, which means more time for purging and clearing of our energetic fields.

Earth's climate change and our cosmic weather are in a dance. We are all impacted, continually purifying and evolving.

Your body will tell you if something is off. When you're not aligned with your highest potentials.

You will feel the inner battle and your external reality will reflect it.

This morning, I woke up at 4am to a thunderstorm, feeling overwhelmed and having anxiety.

Me and nature, we have no boundaries.

The outside weather pattern reflected my inner turmoil. I went to bed with all of this external energy flying at me and I went into ego victimhood, because I wasn't feeling empowered in my boundaries.

I sat with it. Cried, danced...cried more.

I released the excess energy.

Then came the clarity... which always follows.

I needed to change my perception. Look at my choices. Take full ownership and accountability for my thoughts and reactions.

Remember my higher intentions.

Get out of victimhood and powerlessness.

Come back into alignment with my soul, connected to the divine.

Fully embodied and empowered.

That's how you do THE WORK.

You face your ego head-on.

You get radically honest with yourself, you feel the lower energy trying to control you, release the attachment, drop the expectations, clear your field & liberate your soul.

You keep doing this every time you feel blocked or out of alignment, learning your lessons, changing your habits, behaviours & patterns.


Stop resisting.

Stop suppressing & shoving it down for later.

You're only delaying your blessings.

Cry it out.

Swim it out.

Burn it out.

Sweat it out.

Write it out.

Whatever is your tool.

But acknowledge it. Accept it. Love it. Don't judge it.

And don't escape it.




It will all slowly dissolve if you just face it.

Have compassion & kindness for yourself.

You are learning.

You are evolving.

You are ascending.

You are spiritually awakening and remembering your truth.

We came here to FEEL.

Let go of the guilt and shame.

Fearlessly express yourself.

Liberate your soul.

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