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Let MUSIC be your drug of choice

Music has the power to expand your consciousness.

It can shift your vibration in the flash of a second.

It opens portals and gateways to higher dimensional realms.

There's of course both a light and dark side of music as well like all things in life.

And it does have the power to act like a drug and become an addiction and/or a form of escapism.

You know when the music stops, you take your headphones off or you leave the party, the vibration is immediately going to shift. In most cases, it is going to descend.

So it is important to acknowledge the influence music can have & how we can actually become dependent on it to rescue us or get us through the day. Just like any other addiction or drug.

I'm not judging this or saying this is wrong. It is perfectly acceptable.

However, if you are deeply committed to your spiritual journey, we want to continue healing, awakening and evolving.

We want to expand our consciousness and keep moving into higher potentials.

All drugs can be used as a form of escapism, numbing, activating, awakening and/or healing.

Music is no different.

The key message here is BALANCE.

We are free souls and we are working to peel back the layers of control, conditioning and programming. We don't want to continue giving our power away to anything external in order to make us feel whole, joy, bliss, love or complete.

We want to cultivate these frequencies within ourselves.

Let music be your compliment.

A sacred union.

A tool.

A gift.

A blessing.

Use it with intention and awareness to journey deeper into the self.

To activate your remembrance, of who and what you truly are.

Let it be a portal to higher levels of consciousness & deep inner knowing.

Let it move through your energy field, your temple body and feel the vibrational magic and purity of love, sensuality & grace.

Let it activate, release and move emotions, through & out of your field.

Let it transport you back to your passion, purpose & authenticity, when you fall back into the illusion.

Let it be the vibrational connector to your soul tribe.

Honour it with sacred reverence & honour the channellers bringing it to our sensual 3D reality.

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