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Let your energy, intuition & body be your GUIDE

You have all the divine guidance and wisdom within you to lead you further on your soul's evolutionary journey and towards your greatest destiny.

Surrender to your multi-dimensional self.

You already hold all of the answers.

Tune in deeper to your innate wisdom to help navigate and light up the path.

Tune in to your:

ENERGY - do you feel activated? Or blocked? Open? Shut down? Expanding or contracting? Does it light you up? Or is it charge-less? Follow the energy flow. And if it's simply the ego causing resistance, ask her to lay down her sword. She's safe, loved and divinely protected.

INTUITION - that deep inner knowing. It's not logical. It may not make sense to your mind, but you can't shake it off. You just 'know'. So start paying attention to the whispers and nudges. Say yes to those niggles.

BODY - Is it a hell yes or a hell no? Do you feel sick? Pain? Dis-ease? Dis-comfort? Inflamed? Calm? Relaxed? Content? What is your body trying to communicate to you? Talk to your cells and start listening. Build a loving relationship with your ultimate home in this life. Your cells are regenerating & upgrading all the time. Treat your home like the sacred temple it is. You live in a micro universe. How brilliant is that?

You are so damn powerful!!!

You are infinite. Limitless. Eternal.

You have a unique design and soul blueprint for this life.

You already have everything you need to fulfill your purpose.

Use your innate tools.

Master your energy.

Tune in to the whispers of your soul ✨

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