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Live as the OBSERVER... be in this world, but not attached to it

Living from the 'space' of neutrality.

Sitting in the backseat watching your ego and higher self duke it out for control in the front.

'Observing' the thoughts, stories and inner narratives floating by, but not following them and anchoring them down.

Feeling all energy flowing through you and letting it continue to move up and out without resistance.

Accepting and loving yourself exactly where you are without judgment, guilt, shame or expectation and with loving kindness and compassion.

Allowing others to be exactly who and where they are without judgment or expectation and with loving kindness and compassion.

Accepting the world as and where it is in this moment and being the change you wish to 'observe' on this planet without expectation or attachment to what is created.

Living life as your consciousness intended and allowing yourself to be guided by your intuition, merging with the creator within, the oneness behind it all.

Following the flow of life, having trust, faith and surrender to the ever-changing and ever-unfolding nature of evolution.

Flowing with it, not against it.

Releasing the anchors of the past, leaping into the unknown, embracing the impermanence of life and living moment to moment and feeling without attachment, aversion or expectation of the outcomes.

Embracing the NOW, as that's all there is.

Everything else is already completed or waiting to be created.

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