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I help you remember when you are trapped in the illusion.

We all fall back into the matrix sometimes.

Back into the ego's grip or the external illusion of fear, power and control.

It's inevitable. It IS quite a powerful force to be reckoned with and it's what we are SO used to.

It is still the mainstream narrative after all.

It's in the collective field and we are all interconnected and contributing to this frequency.

So, no matter how much inner work you've done, as long as the collective energy is denser then your authentic core frequency, you will feel its pull.

That's why we say, heal yourself, heal the planet. If everyone was able to remember the truth of who they are and why they're here and choose to live as their most authentic, divine self, we could bring rapid change to this planet.

And that's also why it's so valuable to have a strong inner circle. A soul tribe you can trust and help pull you back out of the vortex when you're spinning back down into its grip.

Don't worry if you haven't found them yet.

Your tribe.

We are going through a massive collective shift in consciousness on our planet.

Everything is being shaken up.

All will align for you soon enough.

Have faith, patience, trust and surrender.

And if you haven't found your soul fam yet, I will be here to continually remind you... of your freedom, your power and your truth.

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