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Be so rooted & present in your own energy, that nothing external can waiver your peace, stability, light or power.

This is a BIG one!!!

To have such strong presence, boundaries, self-awareness, self-respect, self-worth, wisdom, vulnerability, compassion, strength, humility and courage to not get rocked...

Thisssssssssssss 🙌🏻

This is self-realization.

To be so solid and committed in your own foundation, daily practices, energy work, mind training or just be-ingness, that you can continue to flow through the sea of energies and wide range of consciousnesses & current affairs, unwaivered or with ease and resilience, riding the waves of energy regularly coming in to our planet to upgrade us and anything thrown in your path from the external world, receiving it with grace, love & gratitude.

Thisssssssssssss 🙌🏻

This is Self-Mastery!!!

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