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Seva + Sadhana brings LIBERATION

SADHANA is your personal practice. How you fill yourself up to serve humanity each day. This can look very different for each person. What do you love to do? What gives you energy? What brings you peace?

There's a two step process here:

1. PURIFICATION - we want to keep our energy flowing. When it gets stuck or blocked, we can get sick. Daily clearing is absolutely necessary. We take in a lot each day through others, technology, etc. so it's important to clean our energy just like we clean our teeth or bodies each day. This includes our emotions. Letting go of anything we are holding onto each day so it doesn't build up over time & become dis-ease.

Some examples include breathwork, exercise, yoga, journalling, walks in nature to clear your head, forgiveness or regret meditations, using external herbs like sage, palo santo or incents with the intention to clear your energy field, swimming in the sea or having an epsom salt bath, fire ceremony, etc.

2. CULTIVATION - we want to build enough energy to fuel our day & create the right mindset so our energy flows in the right direction.

Some examples include setting a positive motivation for the day, gratitude practice, reciting any prayers or verses/mantras/affirmations, meditation on developing positive qualities such as loving kindness, compassion, generosity & humility, exercise, good nutrition, dancing, yoga, walks in nature, etc.

Now that you are purified & energized, it's time for Seva.

SEVA is your 'selfless' service. This doesn't have to mean free. This is your work, paid or not. This is your purpose. It just means your INTENTION is genuine, authentic & aimed towards helping our world be a more beautiful place & benefiting others. Wherever you go & whatever you do, you try to LIFT the energy around you.

Helping to reduce the suffering on this planet.

No one is truly liberated until we are all liberated.

We are all connected, dependent & in this grand illusion together.

So, what's your favourite sadhana?

How do you like to serve humanity, our earth, the animals?

Your unique contribution is invaluable to the greater whole.

It doesn't matter what you do, it's HOW you do it.

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