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Sex or Love?

Updated: Aug 22

What's the difference?

SEX is derived from desire. The need to fulfill that animalistic impulse in us all. The biological drive to procreate. The selfish urge to feel pleasure with the end goal of reaching an orgasm for yourself. Sex comes from emotion and more emotion is created through the enactment of this desire. There's no shame in it at all. As humans, we all have this instinct. And who doesn't love a good, hot, naughty fuck am I right? LOVE on the other hand is selfless. It's about devotion, connection and reverence for the Divine. Experiencing oneness or union with God | Source | Consciousness. There's no emotion involved. The energy stimulated is blissful and ecstatic. There's no need for an orgasm in the conventional way we are used to. The energy connection is so powerful it fills you up and spreads throughout your body. It's a full body energy orgasm or high. The energy doesn't release. You get to hold onto it. It empowers you. Liberates you. Fills you up with overflowing love that you can go out into the world and share with humanity through your service to the divine. You can use it to create art, fuel your work or direct it any which way you like. So instead of releasing your energy with a quick fix that always leaves you wanting more and maybe getting into a fight too with the emotions created through sex, UNION THROUGH LOVE is long-term, sustainable, emotionless and the bliss filled ecstacy keeps your heart open, flowing and sharing. Love is selfless. Love is generous. Love benefits others Love serves others. Love is devotional. Love fills you up. Love lifts others up. Love lasts. Love is unconditional. Love fuels your creations. Love is intentional. Love is meaningful. Love is fulfilling. Love overflows out into humanity. So what do you say? Sex or love? #sacredsexuality

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