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How often do you show up as your most authentic self?

No masks, fully raw, transparent and exactly how you are feeling in the moment.

No sugar coating, not trying to fit in or people pleasing. Courageously showing up, full vulnerability, feeling all the emotions and the fear and expressing yourself anyway.

We live in a culture where darkness is hidden and not discussed, emotions are pushed down under the rug, guilt, shame, fear and grief buried deep within our subconscious programming.

Perfectionism & having it altogether, staying strong and positive being the guiding force, the social norms.

Deep rooted programming, systems, power and control governing us to stay with these very narratives and energies that keep us feeling stuck, sick, unworthy, not good enough, incapable, weak, trapped in fear.

It's scary!

To be different. To feel everything even when it's dark. To fall. Again & again.

To show up when you don't feel you have anything to contribute. To keep riding the waves but keep getting stuck in the old energy.

Give yourself permission to grieve.

To not have it all together all the time.

To fully honour how you are feeling and what you are processing.

This is how we awaken & how we shift the paradigm.

Positive affirmations or trying to stay positive ALL THE TIME, burying the darkness, not feeling the grief... is spiritual bi-passing.

I'm all about positive affirmations for reprogramming our narratives, however, I firmly believe we need to acknowledge ALL of our emotions, no matter how painful they are.

It doesn't mean we anchor them down. It just means we observe them arising, feel them and allow them to ultimately fall away.

We witness.

Whether it's personal, ancestral, past life or collective, everything is coming up to be seen, acknowledged, felt, loved, & accepted.

As scary as it is, there is power in getting curious with what is showing up for you. You don't have to go deep every time, sometimes it's just energy moving through.

However, depending on where you're at in your healing journey, sometimes it's important to observe the storylines, question what's fact & what's ego trying to keep you safe & what is coming up to be purified and let go.

Thank you for continuing to do the work.

For showing up courageously in your vulnerability.

For walking the path.

It's no easy task, but it sure is worth it.

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