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The nature of our mind

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

We live in a dualistic reality with the conventional mind or truth and the ultimate mind or truth.

The place that we live our everyday lives is in the conventional mind.

Which is distorted, over exaggerates everything, full of delusions and illusions, attachments, negativities, old stories, karmic imprints, everything we have seen, memories, etc.

We might get momentary glimpses of the ultimate mind, our Buddha Nature, which is clear, pure and knowing. It is innate goodness, comprising of wisdom, compassion & awareness.

So why can't we access this ultimate truth or mind all the time?

Because there is too much "stuff" in the way. Our mind's are full of garbage.

We focus all of our energy on our external homes and for some, perfecting our bodies too.

It's so backwards. Upside down & outside-in.

Everything physical is temporary.

The mind or stream of consciousness is the only thing that continues and yet we don't look after it. We don't clean it. We don't train it. We don't give any attention to it except for when we want to manifest something like a new car, job, partner, trip, more money, etc. Similar to praying to an external God for these things without actually doing any work for it. Just wishing and praying it will magically appear.

The more we keep our ultimate home clean, the more we can access clarity and our deep inner wisdom.

The more we can tune in and follow our highest potential.

The more we will expand and evolve.

The more we will find a deep sense of inner peace, emotional stability and freedom.

The more we will remember our true nature and the nature of reality including our:

*Interdependence - there is no independent self that exists in and of itself.

*Impermanence - that everything is changing moment to moment so there's no need to cling, attach or to run away. Just follow the flow.

*By benefiting others, you are benefiting yourself.

*Your unique stream of consciousness continues, so there's no ultimate death only conventional, therefore no need to cling to this body or material world. Death is simply a transition from one form into another.

*You are the creator of your reality. All of the different realms are simply a state of mind, consciousness or awareness.

*The Law of Nature must balance out at some point. Therefore, our lives are made up of causes and conditions, which will ripen in their own divine timing. So the more goodwill you do, the more goodwill you will receive. It's pretty simple.

The most valuable work you can possibly do in this life is to transform your mind. To clear out all the distortions. To cultivate positive qualities like patience, loving kindness, compassion, generosity, humility, moral ethics, wisdom and humour and to work for the benefit of all beings, which includes yourself.

By going within, cleaning our true home (our mind), adding in nice things, the energy will be pure, we will feel more peace, we will be comfortable, we can keep all the doors and windows open or locked as we need, we can control what energies can come in or out, we can create from a clean work space and we will be able to find everything we need.

The only reason we will need to go outside is not to connect or to open, but to share, to help and to serve.

Working from the inside out is the ultimate path to freedom.

After the initial discipline and training phases (the hard work, sorry), then comes the effortless flow, the inspired action and the aligned opportunities that feel like magic. It's not magic, it's just alignment. You cleaned up your inner home and the outer homes (physical body and material world) just follow and align, once the new mental reprogramming is sustained.

Discipline is the true path to freedom.

Work on your masculine so your feminine can flow.

So what is the state of your mind?

When was the last time you sat in stillness and observed the current state of your ultimate home?

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