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The root of everything is ENERGY

We are first and foremost, an energetic being.

A stream of pure light consciousness.

When looking at health issues, dis-ease, imbalance and creation, you must look to the root, the base, the foundation, the vibration, frequency or purity, and follow the flow of energy.

This is the missing factor in western medicine when looking at chronic or mystery illnesses.

The body is always warning us, our intuition is always guiding us, all we have to do is tune in and listen. Become present. Become aware.

The problem is... we are fully of junk.

In our mind and in our body.

Full of attachments and aversions.

There is SO much blocking us, that we don't even know how to feel anymore, because it's scary. It's uncomfortable.

For some, we don't even know how to access it because we've shoved it down so far inside, we don't even know it exists, yet is causing us so much suffering.

We are creators.

We create every moment of everyday.

Life mirrors back to us our inner world.

So what is in that inner world?

The pathway for creative energy goes like this:

Energy/vibration/consciousness via the senses ➡️ thoughts/ideas/beliefs/perception based on mental consciousness ➡️ emotional reaction or neutrality ➡️ action/inaction ➡️ physical manifestation

We all have unique energy blueprints, made up of our own mental imprints, karma, curriculum and potentials for this life.

We are channels for energy to flow through matter, in this 3D reality, so we can experience creation.

We are here to feel & to express our creations in physical form.

The environment in which our energy resides affects our creations.

Both inner (body) & outer (environment).

Energy is always moving. Everything is impermanent. It is meant to continue moving & expanding in order to evolve. Some contraction is necessary, but not so much that you get stuck or dis-eased.

Energy gets blocked when we stop it from flowing. When we resist, anchor or attach. When we choose not to feel & process it, by suppressing & pretending it isn't there or save it for later & continue living in survival mode.

How does the energy want to move through you?








*Speaking your truth


The body is purifying. Cleansing. Harmonizing.

All we need to do is get out of the way & let it do its job to keep us in balance and flow.

The body will warn you of a blockage by symptoms of stress/pain/heaviness/discomfort.

We are our own energy field. A continuous, ever-evolving stream of consciousness, made up of our signature blueprint, ancestral DNA & conditioning, karmic imprints & collective programming.

We are always taking in energy from the external world that both influences & programs us, which we need to process and digest.

This is why it's so important to have tools and practices to help you discern what's yours & what's not.

Daily practices to help you clear, balance & activate your energy, such as:


*Positive Motivation

*Yoga, Dance, Movement of Choice

*Walk in Nature

*Meditation / Visualizations

*Mindful Awareness

*A Bath/Shower/Swim, followed by a Self Oil Massage

It's our responsibility to keep our home clean.

We have 3 core homes in this life.

  1. Our Mind

  2. Our Body

  3. The Roof over our head

For the most part, we look after things in the reverse order of true importance.

We look after our home, sometimes our body and lastly, our mind.

But does that make any sense?

If our stream of energy/consciousness/mind continues after this material world dissolves, then why are we not giving the utmost importance of care, development and training to our minds? To our energy?

We have been taught everything backwards and inside out.

It's time we tap into our Buddha nature and investigate. Experiment. Become our own scientists of the mind and see the truth of reality through direct experience, instead of blind faith in our current system.

We have much more power and potential than we realize.

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