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Living in FLOW

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

What does it mean to live in flow?

Have you ever had one of those days, weeks or even months where everything aligned so effortlessly?

Where it all just connects?

You decide you want a gig at a few new venues and write it down in your journal. The next day, you get a call from a friend asking if you're available to play at one of the very places you wrote down just yesterday.

You decide you're going to take a leap of faith and move to a new place and all of a sudden you start seeing the area code of that new town every morning on your phone.

You are making a DJ set for fun and all of a sudden you get a message from your friend who runs an online label, desperate for your help as the DJ who was supposed to do his weekly podcast bailed last minute and he needs a set within 24 hours and wants to know if you can help him out.

True stories!!!

This is what I'm talking about.




Tapping into the frequency of the quantum field. Where time & space does not exist.

Where the universe aligns everything based on energy resonance.

This is when you are PRESENT.


Living in FLOW.

You are in the GAP. The PAUSE. The SPACE between thoughts.

Not attached to the past, not worrying about or living for the future.

You are exactly where you are meant to be.

Right here. Right now.

This is where you are your TRUE SELF.

Conscious creator.

A divine channel & expression of SOURCE.

Oh the magic, the empowerment, the creativity, the potential.

All that is asked of you is to surrender and surrender a little bit more.

To trust. To have faith. To take aligned action in tune with your own energy. What feels good? What ignites that spark?

Listening to your inner wisdom, tuning into your body, waiting for internal guidance and impulses that turn you on, that signal something is a hell YES or a hell NO or a funny energy in between. That synchronicity with everything around you.

This is divine FLOW.

Now... how do we get there?

Table of contents:

Living in Flow with: Nature

What does it mean to live in flow with nature? We are nature! She is a mirror reflection of us. We can learn so much from her if we tune in and sync with her natural cycles, seasons & rhythms.

So what are some of the ways we can tune in & flow with her frequency?


  1. Waking up with the sun - rising with the first light of the day allows you to maximize the radiant energy of the sunlight to fuel you for a productive day ahead.

  2. Morning Ritual - doing a morning self-care routine helps you to cleanse, balance and activate your energy for the day. This is called dinacharya in Ayurveda and includes breath work, meditation, yoga or some kind of movement/exercise, self massage with oils, tongue scraping/cleaning teeth, showering and a nutritious breakfast. You can also include journalling for a morning reflection or intention setting for the day. If you have dogs, kids or other responsibilities, you can adapt as needed. Making a minimal effort is what is important. For more information, click here.

  3. Learn & balance your Ayurvedic Body Type to understand your unique elemental energy of earth, water, fire, air & ether - check your natural state and your imbalances here.

  4. Spiritual practices to honour the earth - make offerings and blessings of gratitude to Mother Nature. Make an earth altar to pray to each day. Pick up gifts from her such as stones, shells or wildflowers & do daily rituals to honour her.

  5. Live sustainably by recycling, up-cycling, planting trees, growing your own food & reducing your carbon footprint - walk more, share rides, ride a bike, pick up garbage, separate & dispose of your trash correctly.

  6. Be mindful abound wildlife, insects & animals - proper care for family pets, help street or community animals, honour the life of all sentient beings. Harm reduction in the use of animal products and mindfulness of the treatment of animals & where your products are coming from. We are what we eat, therefore, the energy of the animal in its life & at its death will become a part of our energetic field.

  7. Eat in alignment with the energy of the day - eat your largest meal at lunch time when the fire element is at its strongest. Eat a small breakfast or fast in the morning to give your body the chance to rest & restore. Eat an early and light dinner, ideally before or during sunset. The bodies metabolism slows down for the evening after sun down. If we eat too late we can go to bed with inflammation and indigestion, which will prevent a healthy nights sleep.

  8. Eating intuitively - listen and tune in to your body's natural urges instead of eating out of programming or conditioning. This makes the body more rigid and unadaptable. It is simple. Eat when your body is asking for nutrition and withhold when it is asking for rest or is unwell.

  9. Eat local, whole foods that are in season - nature provides you the right nutrients which are best for each season. Eat root vegetables & warmer foods in the fall/winter, eat lighter greens & colder foods in the summer. It's as simple as that. Work with spices that have more fire in the fall, winter & early spring and more cooling herbs in the summer. Work with the energetics of your area; the local seasons, weather and harvest.

  10. Connect with nature - go for a meditative walk, bike, play with your dogs or kids at the beach, observe everything around you without identifying or labeling it. Be present and tune in to your senses. See yourself and nature as one and the same.

  11. Work with the energy of your cycle - for women, you can work the energetics of your menstrual cycle, similar to that of the moon phases. With your flow, this is a great time for solitude, creativity, rest & reflection. In the follicular phase, your energy is building, so you can exert the most external energy here. The ovulation phase is the peak of your cycle. The peak of your energy. It is the illumination phase where you are the most connected to the outer world, to others, to community. Finally, you have the luteal phase, where you are winding down, slowing your energy once again and bringing it home to self. To cleanse. To purify. To start a new cycle of death, transformation and rebirth.

  12. Move with the energy of the day - do your most intensive exercise in the morning when your energy is winding up and to purify & activate, do calming and restorative practices in the later afternoon or evening to help you wind down & calm your energy for the day.

  13. Work with the energy of the day - schedule your most creative & intensive work in the morning. From 10-2 you have the most fire, which brings greater creativity & clarity of mind. Do lighter or more moderate work in the afternoon and try to reduce your use of technology in the evening & before bed in order to have a better sleep.

  14. Evening Ritual - wind down for the day by stepping away from all technology, grab a book or journal, meditate, be present with your animals, children or loved ones.

  15. Go to sleep early - go to bed with the energy of the day. When the sun goes to sleep, you wind down and go to sleep.


  1. Work with the energy of the seasons - nature works in cycles. We re-birth new light in the spring, peak at the summer solstice with the longest & brightest day of the year, start letting go, shedding and dying once again towards winter solstice with the shortest and darkest day of the year, with two balancing points at both spring & fall equinoxes. As we are one and the same with nature, we can work intentionally with these cycles of energy for our highest growth potentials or it will just naturally occur. So it is better to work in harmony instead of being in resistance to the natural flow.

  2. Watch internal heating and air conditioning - balance with fresh & natural air by keeping a window open in the winter, using a fan or taking breaks outside in nature to stay in tune with the natural frequency of the earths rhythms in order to stay healthy and keep your immune system strong.

  3. Cleanse between seasons - the highest risk for illness falls within the last 7 days and the first 7 days between seasons. The best time to do a light cleanse or detox is post winter (spring) & post summer (fall). You can do your own Ayurvedic cleanse at home with this guide.

Living in Flow with: Our Planetary Guides

How do we work with the cosmos?

As above so below, as within so without.

We are a direct reflection of the cosmic weather. What happens up there is happening to us also down here on earth.

We are constantly in motion, changing and evolving. This is the only thing that is truly consistent in our lives at the moment... MOVEMENT.

So what are some of the ways we can flow with our planetary guides?

  1. Stay up to date with the cosmic forecast - learn the basics of astrology and listen to high quality readers to know how to work the energetics of the day.

  2. Work with the cycles of the moon - You can work with the energy of the moon to accomplish your intentions & goals. With each new moon, you can set a new goal, watching it grow as the moon expands into fullness. With the full moon, there is ultimate illumination so you can see what needs to be tweaked, what's working, what's not & how to move forward.

  3. Work with each zodiac cycle - As we move around the zodiac wheel through the 12 houses or astrological signs, we can work intentionally with the energy of each sign to work on different aspects of our life from personal, financial, learning & communication, family, home, relationships, growth, travel, work, community & spirituality.

  4. Embodiment practices to incorporate the cosmic weather - we can work with the energetics of the elements at play, as above so below, in order to ground and flow with this energy through physical, mental/emotional, energetic & spiritual practices, such as yoga, dance, visualizations, sound healing, exercise & ceremony.

  5. Know our unique energy blueprint - learn your natal chart energy, the placement of the sun, moon, planets, asteroids & stars at the moment of your birth. Learn to work with this energy each day and throughout your life as you learn, expand & evolve. Connect with me for an in-depth reading.

Living in Flow with: Your Higher Self

What does it mean to flow with your higher self? This is all about living from your greatest potential and highest alignment. Remembering that you are a unique, one-of-a-kind expression of source consciousness here on this planet to learn, grow & evolve. To be the student & the teacher. A living embodiment of the creator. A spark of light!

What are some of the ways you can live in flow with your higher self?

  1. Be disciplined and committed to your service - the work, wisdom and offering you came here to share. Your dharma (soul purpose).

  2. Build self-trust by honouring your commitments to yourself & others

  3. Be consistent with your spiritual practices - show up & honour yourself as a divine being. Source embodied.

  4. Commit to a slow & steady journey - small daily actions over time will amount to slow & sustainable growth.

  5. Don't be afraid to try what your higher self is longing for - Listen to the small whispers & nudges and take aligned & inspired action.

  6. Honour, love, accept & nourish your body - this is your home for this life.

  7. Keep your energy clear, activated, connected & protected - have strong energetic boundaries of who & what you allow into your field. Do cleansing & balancing rituals to stay aligned.

  8. Work with the balance of your energy - your own unique blend of masculine and feminine, giving and receiving, movement & rest, higher mind & heart.

  9. Don't compare your journey to others - you are on your own unique path. Trust in your own divine timing & stay true to yourself.

  10. Stay open-minded and adaptable - energy is always moving & changing.

  11. Clear out your inner environment / Feel your emotions - they are coming up in order to be released. Allow them to flow without anchoring them back down. Honour them, accept them, feel them & let them go. This will bring deeper clarity & wisdom. This will bring expansion.

  12. Monitor your use of technology, drugs, alcohol, stimulants, depressants & psychedelics - everything is a tool. Become aware of any addiction patterns you may be experiencing in the ego's attempt to protect, avoid & escape the present moment. Tools are wonderful gifts, but not to continually escape our reality. Working intentionally with the tools available to us, is a great way to support you to make cognitive, behavioural pattern & lifestyle changes that are sustainable.

  13. Honour the waves of expansion - we are going through a personal and collective evolution in consciousness on our planet. In order to create, we require constriction. In order to grow, we need both darkness & light. Honour your cycles of death, transformation & rebirth. Accept your lows & your highs. Energy is always moving. What comes up, must come down. Beauty blossoms from the mud. Honour each moment as it is without trying to change it.

  14. Work on your highest values & virtues - patience, compassion, humility, trust, faith, honesty, integrity, loving kindness, presence, forgiveness, gratitude, awareness, ahimsa (harm reduction), detachment, receptivity & generosity.

  15. Tap into your creativity - Spend time exploring your inner artist and practice self-expression. Try new things and work with your imagination. Live from your inner childlike curiosity.

  16. Surrender your control to the divine - allow yourself to be surprised.

  17. Keep letting go & moving forward - don't cling to the past or attach & anchor the present. Keep flowing.

  18. Listen to your intuition and body signals & act on it - use this energy to make choices. If the body, mind and energy are not in alignment, wait for greater clarity.

  19. Work with divination tools to connect with your inner guidance - if you need support, connect with me for a reading.

What practices do you do that bring more ease & flow to your life?

If you need more support tapping into your flow, check out my free e-book + daily meditation here for guidance on your spiritual awakening & healing journey – everything you need to know to live with greater peace, harmony, wellness, fulfillment, connection & divine alignment.

Namaste, Aloha, SO MUCH LOVE.

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