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Enjoy every moment of the journey.

You are a multi-dimensional eternal light being.

You are here to learn, evolve, remember who you are, live authentically as the divine creator that you are & serve the world with your unique gifts.

Every step of this human journey is part of the evolution of your soul.

Every moment is a teacher, an opportunity to connect to your higher self & source, to observe & to grow.

We are so highly programmed to see things in black & white and label good vs bad, success vs failure, superior vs inferior, etc. etc.

It is the nature of our planet. Duality & polarity.

But it is humans who create labels & apply meaning to everything, which can create more suffering.

Embrace all energy, especially the void. Part of the transformation process when you're moving from one state of being to the next. After letting go, you sit in a period of nothingness, with no direction, no desire, no connection, no clarity, just waiting, for some sign, spark, motivation, so you can take inspired action.

This is a phase that requires patience, deep inner trust, surrender & faith.

You can do things to try to move the energy, but you cannot rush this process.

If you start fighting it or try to force yourself into something that has not been divinely guided, you will miss the pot of gold!

Observe yourself.

Your habits.

Your patterns.

Find acceptance.

Love yourself even more.

If you get tired from the ego's resistance, take breaks or experience something new.

Allow yourself to be open & curious.

Ready to receive signs & guidance.


The next step.

Not the whole plan, just the next step & where to take action.

Live moment to moment with full faith in the universe to guide you along the way as your ultimate co-creator.

Embrace the perceived highs & lows, changes & waves.

There are lessons in every moment. It is earth school after all!

Transformation happens through letting go. With faith and trust to feel and see all that you are & to fully love and accept yourself in all phases of this life journey.

Thank the universe for helping you continue to evolve & stay true to your divine path.

Your only destination is to love & accept yourself through every moment ✨💜🙏🏻

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