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Writer's pictureCandice Stone

Transform your greatest PAIN & suffering into your greatest POWER

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

However, it can be transmuted or changed from one form to another.


That means, you can turn your greatest pain, wounds and traumas into your greatest power, creativity and fuel.

I'm not saying it's an easy task, but it is the pathway out of suffering and into freedom.

Through transformation.

Energy is constantly moving.

It gets stuck when we avoid what's in front of us or when we stuff it down and tuck it away to protect ourselves.

We are feeling beings.

We came here to FEEL.

It's inevitable with our five sense consciousnesses.

The good, the bliss, the bad and the ugly.

Avoidance only delays the inevitable and actually keeps you in discomfort even when you are avoiding that very discomfort.

Funny how that works eh?

The bravest thing we can do is to have the courage to be vulnerable, to observe and to feel all that life is asking us to experience.

Pain is not just physical.

Our mental, spiritual and emotional pain is felt as strongly as physical pain in the brain and body.

Fear and pain are part of the human experience.

The sooner we accept this and choose to not let it steal our power, the sooner we reclaim our freedom as divine, sovereign beings.

Feel it all.

Surrender to it all.

Develop equanimity.

Let it go.

Let it flow.

And integrate it. The new awareness.

Turn it into wisdom.

You will eventually feel much lighter.

It's still a part of you, but you relinquish its power and control over you.

Train your mind.

Don't be afraid to go deep, deeper and to the darkest depths of your consciousness.

This is where your light is needed the most.

Where the deepest patterns and imprints lie within the subconscious.

This is where your greatest gifts and unique magic reside.

Do you think going from a caterpillar to a cocoon to a butterfly is easy? Lol

That sh*!@$t is hard.

It's scary, it's messy, it's uncomfortable.

But it's SO SO SO worth it.

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