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TRIGGERS are great teachers

They are here to show us that there is still an emotional attachment to a wound. A memory, situation or trauma that still has an emotional charge, which causes us to react.

Something we never fully processed, witnessed, observed, expressed and released.

So the energy is coming up via another scenario in order for you to process it and let it go.

It's a gift to deeper wisdom, awareness and connection.

An opportunity to be the witness and to give yourself the love, compassion and acceptance you never received.

This is how you release its grip over you and take your power back.

Feel it. Witness the story attached to it. Love it, accept it and let it go.

If you're alone, one thing you can do to lean into the process even more and further it along is to put on a song that opens you. That helps you release emotion. This can help you get the flood gates open. Something that helps you feel all the feels... and DANCE. MOVE. SHAKE. CRY.

Move your body and let the trigger release.

Allow spirit to flow through you with love, support and grace.

This is one way to use music and dance intentionally as a tool for healing and somatic release.

Surrender and let your energy guide you.

The last few days I've been triggered...

By external situations that I have no power or control over.

Dealing with a broken system and the people operating in that system & trying very hard to have love, compassion, acceptance & patience.

To find the balance between not getting walked all over and trying to implement a little pressure needed to move the situation along. But this has got me nowhere.

Now, I'm simply being ignored and it has stirred up old abandonment wounds.

This morning I felt frustrated. Unseen. Forgotten. Neglected. Ignored. Abandoned.

This is all the ego of course.

It brought me back to a memory that still holds some emotional charge. When I was a teenager, underage drinking. I went to a school dance, this was age 16 or 17. I drank a bottle of vodka before we left and before meeting my blind date. By the time we got to the school, my friends had to walk on both sides of me to walk me in passed the teachers. I immediately went into the change rooms, passed out, then puked on my friend. My friends then snuck me out of there before I was expelled. They dropped me home to my parents at which point I broke into tears & rage & told them everything that was wrong with me and that they didn't SEE or care how much pain & suffering I was facing each day. They put me to bed and we never spoke of this moment again.

Now, this happened a long time ago. I have accepted it & let it go. I love my parents and I have forgiven them and fully accept them. I'm so grateful for all they have done and still do to support me in the ways they know how.

The layers run deep and we don't ever fully forget the past. But we can become the observer when something comes up to be released a little deeper.

See, we really are like an onion. We are multi-layered and multi-dimensional.

Trauma doesn't heal overnight.

You keep peeling one layer at a time and each time the wound returns to say hi, remember me, you have the opportunity to take back your power just a little bit more. Until finally, there's no more charge & the energy is fully released.

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