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Wake up to PRESENCE

It's simple, yet profound.

Before you open your eyes every morning, tune in to your inner awareness.

Your soul.

The observer.

The witness.

Say hello.

And then connect with your senses.

The first thing I do is practice stillness.

I LISTEN to the morning sounds and just simply BE.

I breathe.

Then I FEEL and scan my body.

I try to enjoy this as long as I can simply BE.

And when I am ready, I open my eyes.

By starting your day off with this simple practice, you are reminding yourself of the truth of who you really are.

The ENERGY behind it all.

The energy just simply witnessing.

Not the body.

Not the mind.

Just the BEingness and ONEness, everything and nothing, in it but not of it.


Practice presence.

Because all we have is THIS moment.

Right here. Right now.

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