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We are going through a deep INITIATION

The chaos is real.

Death & Rebirth.

As much as we are going through this collectively, first and foremost, this is a solo journey.

Surrender to the internal transformation.

Surrender to the grip of the ego trying to hold on to the past.

Surrender to the void, the unknown, the uncomfortable.

Trust the process.

Allow spirit to guide you further to your destiny.

Your soul is the map.

We are going through a system upgrade on all levels, personally and collectively.

You can hide in a bubble all you want, but we are all interconnected & affected no matter where you are situated on this planet.

Energetically, we are one.

Personally, this looks and feels like a clearing, purging, tower moments (tarot reference), letting go on all levels, regrouping, resetting and building a new, stronger foundation from the ground up (a rebirth) in which to grow, evolve and work with the new energy activating and awakening our planet.

We are shifting paradigms.

Through all transformation, there is a letting go, which is the most painful part, especially if you fight it or you didn't consciously choose it.

After the death, comes the void.

An energy of nothingness.


This can feel like not resonating with anything or anyone anymore. Not knowing what lies ahead for you. Lack of motivation or will. Not seeing what the point of anything is anymore. A waiting period for the spark or fire to return to propel you forward.

Just remember, your soul has a plan and the universe is co-creating with you.

No one said it was easy turning into a butterfly.

That caterpillar goes through a dark night of the soul and completely transforms from one form into another.

That shhhh#!@t ain't easy.

Remember, your soul chose to be here at this very moment in time and to go through this mass collective shift of consciousness on our planet.

The more you surrender to the process, the more ease and flow you will have moving through the waves.

Your rebirth is already happening.

Trust, have faith and believe that everything is happening for your highest good and the highest good of all.

Surrender to your soul.

It is the key. It is the map. It is your destiny.

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