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What does FREEDOM mean to you?

Freedom is a very subjective experience and can be applied to anything and looked at from many different angles and levels of consciousness.

So what freedoms do you value the most for the life you are creating?

For me, it is freedom of/from:

*Body - acceptance, movement, health


*Movement/travel/support with my dogs



*Expression of my truth

*Ego/mind/fear/old programming/conditioning



It's a long list LOL.

So I ask you, what will bring you liberation?

What do you value the most in terms of freedom?

Freedom is both external and internal.

It comes down to attachment, which ultimately creates suffering.

It creates the fear/illusions of death, loss, unsafety and lack/not enoughness.

As energy/soul, you are first and foremost FREE.

We are divine creators, but through our societal, cultural, ancestral and parental patterning, programming & conditioning, our ego learns attachment as a means to keep you safe.

Again, safe from death & loss.

The ego operates from fear and attachment.

The soul flows from love and freedom.

This body, this life, this personality... is temporary.

Everything is impermanent.

But, your ENERGY... is eternal.

So what is there to lose?

What is there to fear?

Set yourself FREE ✨🤸🏼‍♀️✨

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