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With ENERGY, there is no right or wrong.

Energy is neutral.

Everything is energy.

We are energetic beings.

Vibrating at different frequencies.

Our energy field can also be distorted, therefore creating/attracting/aligning from a lower potential.

If it doesn't 'feel' good, safe, activating, open, liberating, then it isn't aligned.

However, there are a few things to look deeper into if you feel inner conflict about a situation.

When making decisions/choices/moves or knowing if you can trust someone...

Pay attention to three things:

1. Your intuition, the deep inner knowing. Your inner compass.

2. Your gut. The body. Any responses.

3. Your energy. Is there coherence? Does it feel open/expanding or closed/contracting?

But also, it's important to know where your energy is in this moment.

Are YOU in your soul core frequency/love? Or are you in ego/distortion/fear?

How do you know the difference between ego & soul/higher self?

The energy polarities.

We live on a planet of opposites.

Ego is... fearful, closed, constricting, heavy, gross, disempowered, victimized, weak...

Soul/Higher Self/Pure Consciousness is... loving, open, expanding, light, subtle, empowered, accountable, stable, strong...

If you realize that you are in ego, take time to rebalance and come back to your centre before making any moves. Come back into alignment with your higher self, by doing things that fill up your cup & clear your field.

And remember, humans created the moral code.

We created right/wrong, good/bad.

We labelled everything.

We are governed by the Law of Nature, which will always balance itself out.

We are here as energy in motion.

Constantly changing, learning, growing, evolving, expanding & contracting.

Understanding energy is your ultimate tool, strength & power.

And working within the energetic laws of the universe.

What feels good?

What lights you up?

What excites you?

What activates you?

What aligns with your values & intentions?

What expands you?

What opens your heart?

What feels like magic?

What scares, excites & challenges you at the same time?

That will lead to the most growth, expansion and fulfillment.

Trust yourself above all.

And trust in the universe.

Remember your power.

Flow with the waves without attachment.

Have patience for your highest alignment & feel for coherence ✨

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