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Work from the INSIDE out

Transformation happens from within the mind.

You will work much harder than necessary if you only focus on the external. On the physical.

It requires more energy to move things in the physical, then to do the energy work to align to your highest frequency and allow spirit to work it's magic and do the physical alignment for you.

It is challenging at first and requires discipline to create new neural pathways and mental patterns, mindset shifts, lifestyle behaviour changes, etc.

You need a solid structure and foundation (masculine support) in order for the Shakti (feminine power) to flow.

There are five dimensions of self: mental, emotional, spiritual, energy and physical.

We are an energy field or stream of consciousness living in a quantum field of infinite potentials.

Everything is energy and starts from energy. Energetic imprints, thought forms, beliefs, energy in motion (emotion), inspired energetic action or non-action and finally, physical energy/manifestation.

You came here with a unique design and signature blueprint.

To work through your fate/karma/soul lessons/learning curriculum, and come into your higher awareness and remembrance of who you are, your true nature, to continue expanding and evolving in consciousness and living life with a deeper intention and purpose.

You came here to shift. To evolve. To expand. To serve.

You came here to remember your freedom. Your power. Your creative potential. Your Buddha nature.

You came here to transform.

To move from the old to the new.

✨New energy

✨New paradigm

✨New timelines & potentials

✨New earth

✨New human

✨New you

The real you.

Your unique expression of of the divine, experiencing itself in form.

Inner work is the most powerful and important work there is.

You heal through your energy work. Mind training.

You transform.

You purify your mind and bring your consciousness back to its original state. Whole. Pure. Clear.

You help serve humanity until all beings are free from suffering.

Let go of all that is not part of your energy signature, your truth, your natural essence and return to your connection. You've never been separated.

Live fearlessly as your most authentic & highest expression.

Tap into the power and potential of the divine matrix.

And let the universe WOW you ✨✨✨

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